Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I'm Back!!!

Let me start of by saying... I'm sooo sorry I haven't been posting since like the end of May.  Has it really been that long??  I've been doing Polyvore posts but even that hasn't been regular.  School ended on May 13th for me but I have had camp, weights, Volleyball league, sport practice, and jump training.  So in conclusion... my summer isn't happening this year.

On June 18th, I had my first ever dog show.  If you don't, I have an 8 month old beagle/cocker spaniel puppy named Madie.  Together we are on a journey to an obedient dog.  We recieved two white ribbons and a blue which means we qualified for the state fair showmanship in the fall.

Tonight... June 21nd, I am going to go see Finding Dory with one of my friends.  I remember when the first one came out when we were kids and now get to see our favorite characters again.  Comment down below if you've seen it or want to go see it.

Okay, I know this post isn't long, but I have several other posts to type up and I need to clean the house for some family that is coming over the weekend.