The first product I picked out was a Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil Colorless Blender. I have never used one and am excited to try it out!
The second item I got was the Prismacolor 24 Watercolor Pencil pack. I have tried Crayola Watercolor Pencils, but nothing can compare to the quality in the Prismacolor ones! I already have tried these out and love them!
The last item I bought was the 48 Prismacolor Colored Pencil Pack. I received the basic 12 pack for Christmas from my grandparents this year and wanted more skin tones. So, I bought a 48 pack...
Since I got the Prismacolor 48 set, I got a free Strathmore Colored Pencil Pad! This was only available for a limited time only and I think the offer is done. I was extremely lucky to get this... there was only a limited amount left when I made my order. This is the only colored pencil paper I have ever seen, but if there are others... let me know. I can't wait to draw something in this book!
Well that wraps it up! I will have another art haul in like 2-3 weeks because I'm going shopping again! I hope you enjoyed reading about my mini art haul. If you want to see actual projects I'm doing with these supplies, let me know!
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