2 parts Baking Soda
1 part Cream of Tartar
1 part Epson Salts
1 part Cornstarch
Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
Essential Oil
Food Coloring
First combine 2 parts baking soda and 1 part cream of tartar in a bowl. Then, add in the cornstarch and Epson salts. After these are all combined, add in about 1/2 a spoonful of your oil. (Coconut oil must be melted for this to work.) If the mixture is still really dry, add some more oil. When you are finished, the product should like like moldable sand.
Now, it is time to add color and scent! This is by far my favorite part because I love color and scents! First, add in your scent, about 10-20 drops is recommended. I recommend soothing scents to help you relax. A few are lavender, rose, and sandalwood. All of these would be available, plus more, at a local craft store. Now for the color! You can use any color you want but is best to stick to a liquid or very runny gel food coloring. The thicker it is, the harder it will be to blend in. Continue to mix this until everything is evenly distributed.

Now for molding! If you want a completely round bath bomb, like Lush's, buy a clear, plastic, round ornament from a craft store. Make sure it is in two parts. If you don't care what shape it is you can use a Easter egg, candy mold, ice cube try, muffin tin, or any other small container. Pack the mold as TIGHT as possible! If there are air pockets, the bath bomb will collapse the moment you pop it out. Trust me... I've learned from experience. If your mold has two parts, you need to squeeze it together as hard as you can and tap both ends on a hard surface. This will prevent the two parts from coming apart. Let them dry for about 4-8 hours or overnight. To speed up this process, put them in front of a heater or wood-burning stove.
When they are completely dry it's time to take them out. If you used a Easter egg or ornament, pull the mold top off and GENTLY remove the bath bomb. If you used a mold such as a candy mold, you will GENTLY tip the mold over and GENTLY tap it on a counter until the bath bombs come out. This is similar to how yours SHOULD turn out like. If not, as long as if bubbles and fizzes in the bath, it works just as well!
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